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How long can I keep an unopened bar?
Soap has been known to last for decades.  However, to make sure that your bars remain their beautifully fragrance, I recommend that you use your soap within 6-12 months after purchasing it. It is unlikely to 'go off' but you will find that the scents will start to lessen at around 6 months.


How long will a bar last when using it?

That is one of those difficult questions to answer accurately as it depends on whether you use it in the shower or just for washing hands, and on how many people use the bar. 

On average, if you use it just for washing hands, it will easily last 1-2 months.  If you use it in the shower or bath then for one person, around 3-4 weeks

How can I make my soap last longer?
Use a wash cloth/sponge and rub your soap onto that rather than using it directly on your skin.
We recommend that you store your opened bar of soap on a wooden soap dish which has holes or ventilation in the base. This is to encourage air flow and to enable water to drain away from the soap.
Leaving your soap standing in water will make it soften, which means you will use it up faster.
Don't use a plastic box or clingfilm as that will make your soap deteriorate.

I have sensitive skin, which soap do you recommend?
My soaps are made out of natural ingredients and are very gentle.  Most people can use them without any problems.

However, some people have extremely sensitive skin and find that they can't tolerate any colours, essential oils or fragrances.

If that is you, I recommend using my pure & sensitive bar which contains nothing but saponified oils, no colours, no essential oils, no fragrances. Just beautiful, rich luxurious lather.

However, as with all skin care products, if you have any concerns then we recommend that you test our soap on a small area of your skin before using it on your whole body.

Why do you use palm oil?
I use organic RSPO palm oil as one of the 6 oils and butters in my soap.
The use of palm oil in products always causes a lot of controversy so let me explain the reasons why I have chosen to use it in my signature soap (salt bars and facial bars are palm oil free).
I use palm oil because it makes a noticeable difference to the quality of a soap.  Not only are the bars harder and longer lasting than those which are palm oil free, they have a richer, more luxurious lather.

Despite all of the bad press, palm oil itself isn't the enemy.  It is the way it is  grown and harvested that is the problem.

The press would have you believe that boycotting the use of palm oil is the cure.  But that will not stop the deforestation issue.  There is strong evidence that switching to other fast growing oil producing plants will in fact exacerbate the problem.

Replacing palm oil with other types of vegetable oil (sunflower, soybean, rapeseed) means that much larger amounts of land actually needs to be used and thus the deforestation problem would get worst, not better. 

This is because palm trees produce 4-10 times more oil than other crops per unit of cultivated land, meaning more, not less, virgin rainforest is needed.

The answer to the problem is to only use palm oil that comes from certified, sustainably managed forests and not virgin forest. 

These are inspected, audited and certified annual to ensure that no virgin rainforest is used and that all plantations of trees are managed by local farmers in a sustainable way.  This enables farmers in those areas to improve their livelihoods while protecting the ecosystem.

The palm oil that I use in my soaps is from accredited RSPO certified plantations. 

Here is a link to the RSPO page if you would like to find out more

So by pledging to only used certified sustainable palm oil in our products, I can be confident that I am not contributing to any further destruction of the habitat that orangutans and many other creatures call home.